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When is the deadline to file taxes if you filed an extension?





October 15th, 2024 is the extension filing deadline for taxes for those whom filed for an extension for their 2023 federal taxes. It is always smart to make sure you have all the paperwork needed to file your taxes as soon as possible to avoid missing the extended deadline. Add this date to your calendar if you have an extension. It is very important not to miss the date, put mutliple notifactions for yourself.

Be sure to check each state tax information for each state you will be filing in.

  • When is Tax Season in 2024?

    Tax season starts on January 1st and ends April 15th for all states besides Maine and Massachusetts which are due April 17th. The deadlines are for payment of taxes or filing of an extension. October 15th is the deadline for payment, if filed for an extension. Questions about your state or territories review: Around the nation | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)

    This is information based on the IRS and not state taxes, each state has specific rules and you should review your states guildlines. Also, talke to a tax professional regarding your state and options.

    When is the first time I can file?

    The first date somebody can file is January 29th, 2024.


    A tax refund usually takes less than 21 days, although an individual should not rely on that money just in case of any delays. Electronic fililng helps to avoid as many delays according to the IRS .

    Looking for States with low to low personal income tax, read No Income Tax States

    Please review the IRS webpage 2024 tax filing season set for January 29; IRS continues to make improvements to help taxpayers | Internal Revenue Service  The webpage gives you a lot of good information regarding deadline dates and links you to multiple different pages within their site.

    In no way am I a tax expert or affiliated with any tax organization including IRS, or any other, ect… Please talk to a tax professional and review the links that are attached to IRS.gov website.

    Information was gathered from:



  • No Income Tax States

    Each state normally finds a way to tax people, even though they may not tax your income. There are seven states states that do not tax your personal income. Personal income includes capital gains, wages, and dividends.

    • Alaska
    • Florida
    • Nevada
    • South Dakota
    • Tennessee
    • Texas
    • Wynoming

    There are two states that have no taxes on certain parts of income.

    • New Hampshire does something different, does not taxes wages. They do tax dividends and interest income. New Hampshire dividend and interest tax rate: 4% for dividends and interest from 2024, 3% for dividends and interest from 2025 forward.
    • Washington does not tax wage income, but taxes capital gains. Washington capital gains tax rate is 7%.

    Tax season brings the realization that many of Americans do not want to have to pay more taxes. This starts the research of where to go and compare the prices of items, taxes, and living style that fits their needs. The determining factor that goes through my mind is how the income I am making now would change.

    Although those states have minimal taxes on income, remember that many states will find another way to get the money they need. For example, Texas and New Hampshire rank in the top 10 for highest property taxes. Tennessee and Washington rank in the top 5 for highest sales tax.

    This information is meant to say, do your research before making a big move. Intuit provides a lot of good information, head over to this page to find more statistics. States with the Lowest Taxes and the Highest Taxes – TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos (intuit.com)

    Questions about the deadline for taxes?

    Read When is Tax Season in 2024?

    Are there states with no sales tax?

    Read No sales tax states





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