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30% rule

30% Rule





The 30% rule is keeping housing below 30% of your after-tax income. Understanding what you can afford and giving yourself a budget when looking for somewhere to live is a good place to start. Follow that up with finding places below your top end and find what the best option for you is.

Depending on what state and city one lives this can be difficult looking into multiple living situations and shopping around for apartments and houses to find the best option for you. Remember a roof is more of a need than living somewhere with a pool, that will hurt your overall financial situation.

The 30% rule has been argued that is does not fit the overall financial situation for the general public in many cities. The examples that I have are big cities like New York City or Los Angelas. Reviewing multiple budget ideas can help find an idea for you. The 10% Rule is another article that gives other options.

There are many options for budget help. Different types of budgets can work for some, but making slight adjustments can help guide you. The 50%-30%-20% Rule is a more definded budget plan then the 30% rule and 10% rule.

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